Enter the Competition

Enter the 2025 Scientist of the Year Competition

This entry form is exclusively reserved for scientists. Technology and IT professionals are encouraged to explore the Technology Leader of the Year Open International Competition, which encompasses a broad range of categories, fields, and domains within this area.

On this website, you will be able to see not just who has been recognized as the winners but also what they have been recognized for, and others will be able to see a collection of the best scientists' stories of the year in one place. Therefore, when filling out the nomination form below, carefully review the information you provided, as it will be published on the website if your entry wins.

You will be requested to enter your public biography and information about your past and recent achievements, and upload a photo portrait and thematic photographs illustrating your professional activity and achievements. When completing the application form, you may attach any supporting materials which, in your opinion, can contribute to winning the Competition. If you don't have them on hand at the moment, you can email them later to competition@achievementscenter.com.

These may include your CV; letters of support from your peers and colleagues; proofs of national and international recognition; membership in professional societies; chairmanship/keynoting at the scientific conferences; patents, licenses, and certificates; supporting research; a list of publications; honors and awards received; links to video data; copies of news articles and press cuttings; photographs; testimonials, etc. (up to 2 MB, allowed file extensions are jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, zip, rar). If you wish to submit tables, graphics, etc., these should be included within your supporting materials, not as part of the submission text.

Once you begin the online application, information cannot be saved to return to the form later. Prepare your answers beforehand. All information must be submitted in English. Fields marked with * are required.

Your information and email address (except the information and materials you will give permission to publish while filling in the online application form) are only used within IARC. We neither provide your personal data nor sell email addresses to anyone outside IARC.

If you have any problems with your application, please contact the competition team.

Good luck!

01 Name of category