Enter the Competition

Application for the 2025 "Technology Leader of the Year" Open International Competition

Thank you for applying for the "Technology Leader of the Year" Competition. Please provide comprehensive and accurate information in the fields below. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Before completing the form, please review the list of categories to ensure you make an informed and accurate choice based on the type of your contribution (leadership, innovation, advocacy, etc.) and the relevant technical focus in which the contributions occurred.

01 Categories and Subcategories

Select the primary category under which your achievements align. Then refine your choice by selecting a more specific subcategory within the primary category. If none of the categories listed align with your work, select "Other" and specify your category and subcategory.

02 Fields

Choose the field in which your expertise or accomplishments are most relevant. If you are unsure about which area to choose, please visit the Fields and Subfields page. If no field fits, select "Other" and specify your field and subfield.

03 Areas and Domains for Professional Outreach

Select the overarching domain where your work has had the most significant impact. If you are unsure about which domain to choose, please visit the Domain section. If no domain aligns with your work, select "Other" and specify the domain.