Position: Director
Organization: Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Adyghe Research Institute of Agriculture"
Country: Russian Federation
Economic/Business Sector: Agroeconomics / Innovations in Agriculture
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Eduard Tkhakushinov graduated from the Adyghe State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Physical education (1986).
In 1993, he graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Kuban State University with a degree in accounting, control and analysis of economic activity.
In 2003, he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences on the topic: "Management of the regional economy in a crisis".
In 2008, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic: "System management of investment risks in the region".
Under his scientific supervision, five candidate's and one doctoral dissertations were defended. Author of more than 140 scientific articles.
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Scientific direction: Economic Sciences.
Currently, Eduard Tkhakushinov is the Director of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Adyghe Research Institute of Agriculture".
Professor Dr. Tkhakushinov is also known in scientific circles. For a significant contribution to world science and the development of progress, according to the decision of the Presidium of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, the German and Austrian post offices issued personal stamps with his image.
Under the successful leadership of Doctor of Economics, Professor Eduard Kitovich Tkhakushinov, the FSBSI "Adyghe Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture" demonstrates steady growth rates. For three years, the institution from a lagging and unprofitable one has become an industry leader in its region.
Since his appointment to the post of head, in December 2017, Eduard Tkhakushinov has been persistently looking for ways to get the institute out of the difficult situation. In 2018, the starting point of the new life of this scientific institution began. Professor Tkhakushinov was able to do what his predecessors did not achieve - abandoned fields turned into a territory with fertile soil.
In the past 2020, thanks to the introduction of modern scientific innovations in the production process, the institute showed impressive dynamics and, as a result, received unprecedented record harvests of winter wheat and soybeans. The average wheat yield was 60.7 centners per hectare, which is more than two times higher than the national average. The yield of soybeans was 33.4 centners per hectare, which is three times higher than the national average.
Such results, according to the head of the Institute Professor Tkhakushinov, were obtained due to the following factors:
1) scientific approach and competent organization of all processes;
2) the use of modern equipment and technologies;
3) selection of chemical fertilizers that meet modern standards, taking into account individual criteria for specific conditions.
All this became possible in recent years, when the institution was headed by Eduard Tkhakushinov. This indicates his strengths of the manager, such as professionalism, competence, the ability to plan, responsibility, the desire for development, the ability to set priorities correctly.
In 2021, the FSBSI "Adyghe Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture" has an anniversary date – 60 years since its foundation. There is something to be proud of and something to focus on in the future.
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