Type: Public
Established: 1988
Rector: Prof. Dr. Boris Kostishko
Academic staff: 896
Administrative staff: 1962
Students: 10489
Address: Leo Tolstoy str., 42, Ulyanovsk, 432017, Russian Federation
Website: www.ulsu.ru
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Ulyanovsk State University (USU) was founded in 1988 as a branch of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, the best university in the country and one of the most authoritative universities in the world. In 1996, USU received the status of an independent university.
In April 2017, Ulyanovsk State University won the competition of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and received the status of a flagship university of the Ulyanovsk region.
In December 2017, Ulyanovsk State University was recognized as a university center for innovative, technological and social development of the region.
Currently, more than 13 thousand students study at the university, including over 7 thousand full-time students. There are more than 2,000 foreign citizens from 43 countries of the near and far abroad among students of different levels of education. From 1992 to 2020, USU had over 60 thousand graduates who have established themselves as good specialists in the regional and Russian labor markets, not only because they are successful, but also making a brilliant career in business and science.
The University is rightly proud of its staff capacity. Today, more than 900 lecturers work at USU, including 123 Doctors of Sciences and 461 Candidates of Sciences. Among them, there are world-renowned scientists, members of Russian and international Academies of Sciences, Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation.
Currently, USU is one of the largest universities in the Volga region. It is a modern scientific and educational complex with a well-developed infrastructure of scientific and innovative research and the training of highly qualified personnel.
Since its foundation and development, USU has not only continued, but also multiplied one of the main traditions of MSU – entering the world educational community. Intensive international contacts have led to the organization and development of international educational structures (Russian-American and Russian-German departments), which allow graduates to receive two diplomas. By the decision of the VIII Congress of the Eurasian Association of Universities in September 1999, Ulyanovsk State University was approved as its full member.
In 2020, USU together with other universities became a member of the Consortium for the joint fulfillment of large-scale, strategic, scientific-technical, educational, knowledge-intensive, competitive, industrial, innovative projects and programs implemented at various levels, and became part of the interregional Research and Education Center "Engineering of the Future".
For several years, USU occupies high positions in the national and international ratings.
The profile educational programs of USU annually take leading positions in the subject National Aggregate Rating of Educational Programs:
• In the "Rating of Russian universities" ("Expert RA") took 90th place and entered the Top-100 Best Universities in Russia
• In the world ratings "Webometrics" and "SCImago Institutions Rankings (SIR)" annually enters the Top-100 Russian universities
• In the world ranking "QS University Rankings: BRICS and QS University Rankings: EECA" 2018 entered the Top-300 world universities
• In the world ranking "Round University Ranking" (RUR) entered the Top-400 best world universities, taking 355th place in the category "Technical Sciences"
• In the "National rating" 2019 entered the Top-100 universities
• European rating "ARES" 2020 - category A
• In the ranking of universities "Three Missions" 2021, USU entered the interval group 87-112 among Russian universities and in the interval group 1501-1650 in the world ranking
• Ranked by «Global World Communicator (GWC). Education and Science» 2021 entered the Top-25 Best Russian universities, taking 24th place, in the Top-150 among European universities, taking 150th place, and in the Top-300 Best world universities, taking 276th place.
USU is one of the few universities in Russia that have implemented a Quality Management System (QMS) in all major areas of activity based on international (ISO 9001:2015) and interstate (GOST ISO 9001-2015) standards. USU is the holder of certificates of compliance with the requirements of international and interstate quality standards.
In 2021, USU became the winner of the competition of the federal program "Priority 2030".
If you are interested in our programs and projects, please contact us in any way convenient for you. You can send us an email, fill out a form online, or find us on social networks.