Prof. Dr. Vagif Rakhmanov, Director of Scientific Research Institute of Child and Family Therapy, Psychology, Medical Rehabilitation, Ukraine
Development of the most effective methods of medical and psychosocial rehabilitation of patients with limited capacities and functional disorders is one of the major medical goals.
It must be kept in mind that with time passing patients with limited capacities can suffer developing secondary neurotic and somatoform disorders which complicate their further rehabilitation and adaptation in micro and macro environment.
Lately statistics has sent us wake-up calls. More and more often psychiatrists are diagnosing among the youngsters disposition to neurotic and somatoform (psychosomatic and vegetal) disorders.
It must be highlighted that this phenomenon didn’t come out of the blue. People with psychological, including neurotic and somatoform (psychosomatic and vegetal) disorders, reach a great number in advanced economies. Moreover comparative study shows that each forth earth inhabitant risks to get mental health disorder. Overwhelming majority of them are children and youngsters.
Socially unfavorable (psychotraumatic) causes lead to appearing of new functional disorders that directly or indirectly affect behavior, cognitive and social activity as well as interferes (makes difficult) correct diagnostics and full rehabilitation of patients.
Since 2012 many patients with various disorders have received help in the Research Institute of Children’s and Family Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychology, Medical and Psychosocial Rehabilitation (Dnipro, Ukraine). The Institute is equipped with various technical facilities for diagnostics and treatment and rehabilitation measures. A school for parents and families with children and family members with disorders is working permanently in the Institute.
In the result of many years of searches and observations we have elaborated more than 30 drug-free methods which help to suppress neurotic and somatoform disorders among patients and carry out treatment and rehabilitation measures.
List of patients’ disorders and specific medical conditions which are treated in the Institute: limited capacities and functional disorders including autism, autistic sphere of disorders, sensorineural hearing disorder, stutter and other speech pathologies, cerebral palsy, urinary and fecal incontinence, fecal retention, tic and behavioral disorder, various neurotic and somatoform disorders including eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, somatoform vegetative dysfunction (vegetovascular dystonia), overactive disorder, autogenic and less often heterogenic aggression, shortness of breath or nervous cough, rapid heart rate, stereotyped movements, mental and motormental retardation, somatoform neurological disorders of cardiovascular and respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and skin, attacks of respiratory disturbance, neurodermatitis, jactitation (a restless tossing of the body being awake or asleep), affect spasms, sleep disorders.
We use electrophysiological (electroencephalography, echoencephalogram), audiometric, clinic anamnestic, clinic psychopathologic and social psychological investigation methods for objectification of carried out rehabilitation methods. Besides, if it is necessary we fulfil complete physical examination of patients with the participation of highly qualified specialists.
During medical and rehabilitation assistance we are using mainly drug-free therapy. Treatment process goes with psychophysical and psychophysiological effects (Prof. Rakhmanov’s method), during which intensive speech training is executed. During medical and psychosocial rehabilitation suggestion, which consists of two parts: suggestion awake, in free communication, and suggestion during relaxation, including hypnotic state (with patient’s and his/her relatives’ consent), is being carried out actively.
In the Institute musical and literary events, occupational therapy, which help additionally to develop speech, remains of hearing among patients with autism and autistic sphere disorder, to carry out social rehabilitation of patients, including patients with neurosis, are held regularly.
Final stage of patients’ rehabilitation is creation of maximal comfort, approximation to active stress-free social communication and verbalization (speech), formation of adequate attitude towards negative psychotraumatic, socially unfavorable situations.
After treatment patients are under permanent doctors’ supervision, which carry out supporting therapy, psychological, electrophysiological and other examinations.
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