Motto: Storming, daring, creating
Type: Public
Established: 1932
Rector: Associate Professor, Dr. Sergey Novikov
Academic staff: 752
Administrative staff: 166
Students: 14415
Address: Karl Marx Street, 12, Ufa, 450008, Russian Federation
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Founded in 1932, Ufa State Aviation Technical University is one of the largest institutions of higher education in the Russian Federation.
Its history is related to the Great Patriotic War when the Rybinsk Aviation Institute was evacuated to Ufa. In 1942, the Institute was allocated a small two-floor building of school #48, where more than 300 students evacuated from other cities of the country studied.
In 1982, for the great contribution in training of qualified specialists and development of scientific research, Ufa Aviation Institute (UAI) was awarded the Order of Lenin.
In 1992, the UAI was among the first twenty Russian institutions to receive the status of a technical university institute and was renamed as Ufa State Aviation Technical University (USATU).
In 2019, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation assigned the University to the 1st category of universities that demonstrate the best indicators in the field of scientific activity and are recognized leaders of higher education in the country.
Nowadays, USATU is a large educational scientific and innovative complex with a strong fundamental engineering school training qualified personnel of all levels: bachelors (38 areas), specialists (10 specialties), masters (36 areas), candidates, and doctors of sciences (13 areas).
Over the years of its existence, USATU has trained more than 80 thousand specialists. Specialists training is carried out in the field of aviation, rocket and space technology; automation and control; mechanical engineering and metalworking; instrument design; electronic engineering, radio engineering, and communication; electromechanics; electric power engineering; applied mathematics; information and computing technology; economics and management; civil protection.
USATU is the only university in the region with its own aviation park, which is a large science teaching and research facility including world-known Russian military aircrafts Sukhoi Su-27 (Flanker) Air Superiority / Ground Attack / Multirole Fighter and Mikoyan MiG-29 (Fulcrum) Lightweight Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft.
The University’s main campus features impressive resources and equipment, including a center for receiving and data processing of cosmic information; a student design bureau “Infocosmos” with its microsatellite “USATUSAT”; a center for open research resources and equipment «NANOTECH»; a 3-dimensional virtual laboratory; a computational lab with its supercomputer; and a recently created a robotics lab.
Engineering students can also enjoy access to the university’s unique aircraft engine museum-class, which is Russia’s significant science teaching and research facility: there are only two museums of this kind in the country (the second one is in Samara).
Students come to the Ufa State Aviation Technical University because it offers a great opportunity to explore Russia’s rigorous traditions of higher education to enable them to succeed in aerospace, automotive, computer, nanotechnology, communications, and other high-tech industries.
The USATU has 2 Satellite Campuses in the region in addition to the main campus in Ufa:
• Satellite Campus in Ishimbay
• Satellite Campus in Kumertau
Ufa State Aviation Technical University is the only university in the republic that provides military education of students according to three training programs: regular officers, reserve officers and soldiers.
USATU offers a unique learning and research experience for motivated individuals from all backgrounds and cultures, and from every part of the globe.
USATU in 2021 for the first time joined the global ranking of the best universities of the world. The ranking was produced by the British company Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). The University was listed as 701st in the ranking of 1300 world-leading educational institutions, and it is the 25th in the ranking of 48 Russian universities included in the rating. USATU is the only representative of Bashkortostan that received the highest category VH in terms of research activity.
For two years in a row, Ufa State Aviation Technical University has been included in the Times Higher Education (THE) world ranking of universities:
• In the regional ranking of «Emerging Economies University Rankings» (THE), USATU took a position in the range 401-500. This list includes 533 universities from 48 countries, including BRICS;
• In ranking of THE by subject, USATU has shown good results in the field of «Engineering Sciences and Technology».
356 foreign students from 48 countries (CIS, countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America) study at USATU.
USATU entered the world-class Eurasian Research and Education Centre of the Republic of Bashkortostan (REC).
Scientists of the University carry out research and development on key technological projects of the REC. USATU joined the «Nedra» consortium due to conducting important exploration and engineering projects for the mineral-raw-material complex.
The University carries out a variety of unique scientific projects:
• "Solutions based on integral photonics for the implementation of transceiver devices with multiplexing optical orbital angular momentum" commissioned by German Research Community;
• "Research and optimization of operational parameters of combustion chambers through fuel premixing” on request of the Research and Production Company "Thermophysics";
• "Development of nanostructured titanium implants with bioactive, antibacterial and composite coatings for dentistry and maxillofacial surgery" by order of the National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli (India);
• "Examination of ultrafine-grained alloy samples of Cu-Cr and Cu-Fe systems obtained by the methods of severe plastic deformation by torsion and equal-channel angular pressing" on request of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Jiangxi Province (PRC);
• Conducting laboratory tests of the experimental model of a starter-generator for PD-35 commissioned by JSC «ODK-Aviadvigatel» (Perm);
• «Development, creation, and testing of electric drives and generator for a hybrid power plant» on the order of FSUE «CIAM»;
• "Development of a demonstrator of a promising high-speed intelligent starter-generator and a demonstrator of functional system elements in order to implement the concept of a more electrical aircraft" by order of FSUE GosNIIAS, etc.
Through the university's partnerships and agreements, students and faculty enjoy unparalleled access to leaders, practitioners, and resources at national top corporations, government agencies, and international organizations, including PJSC “UMPO”, PJSC “Tupolev”, NK “Rosneft”, Gazprom Transgaz Ufa.
If you are interested in our programs and projects, please contact us in any way convenient for you. You can send us an email, fill out a form online, or find us on social networks.